"The Death Penalty should be imposed in every case where someone deliberately takes the life of another"
"The word of God says, "Thou shall not kill""The Death Penalty is used too seldom in this State [a very active killing state] - there are very few death penalties relative to the number of heinous crimes"
"Only God decides, not us"
"The Death Penalty is used too seldom in this State" "If someone chooses to take a life, the penalty should be to take their life"
"Victims and families of victims do not experience any sustaining fulfilling relief after "avenging" those who have wronged them"
"I believe that there are people that have a bad soul and cannot be forgiven" "The Death Penalty should be imposed in every case where someone deliberately takes the life of another"
"God forgives everyone but there area always consequences we must face for our actions" "If we impose the death penalty and he or she does not know Jesus, then we send a soul to hell and Satan wins" "Humans categorize sin and it's not our job. In God's eyes sin is sin and he can forgive us."
"Zealously Religious" "The Death Penalty should be imposed in every case where someone deliberately takes the life of another"
"The death penalty gives people employed by the government the right to kill a killer to show that killing is wrong. We can't create or destroy life and judgment is reserved for God"
1) we shouldn't be bound by a dictionary definition, we need to use a "common and ordinary meaning of the word based on common usage and understanding" which I define as (essentially) "it's an animal so long as there is a recognizable animal "sex organ, mouth or anus""
2) since the pertinent chapter of the Wisconsin statutes criminalizes sexual activity "outside the institution of marriage" and what Brian Hathaway did was sexual activity outside marriage, what he did must therefore have been intended by the legislature to be covered by the statue.
To defend
In all formal relationships with society, the most intimate and most valuable is the giving of counsel. Those of us who do this stand against the passions of the mob, wherever it rages. We stand against legal barbarism. Some of us do it and are well paid; some of us do it and are not. But no matter who we are, we insure fairness from the Judge and the Court.
Fairness is enforced, not by law or wisdom, but by the vigorous advocacy of public defenders. We teach the loneliest lesson of all - that even guilt deserves a fair hearing, both in order to determine its measurement and to decide a fitting punishment.
The greatest trial lawyers in the world are not the ones watched, covered, and adorned by the media. The greatest trial lawyers in the world are the public defenders, who do their work in empty courtrooms, without the press, without an audience and, sad to say, most of the time without the family of the person on trial. Each day, the public defenders in that grim and dismal setting open their mouths for the dumb; for the rights of all who are racked desolate by time, by circumstances, by class, by race, by hatred.
Each day, it is the public defenders who guard against the human person. Each day in courtrooms, it is the criminal defense attorney who draws from juries their own central goodness, to raise them up to restrain bad laws. This calling insures that humankind's insatiable thirst for cruelty will not be gratified. This sacred responsibility assures that the lowest and most humble beings are exalted by their presence before the bar of justice.
posted by Indiana Public Defender at Saturday, June 18,
Officer B. attempted to interview V. but she would not respond with anything but "F*** You! I want my lawyer."Unfortunately, she was saddled with a co-star whose performance was characteristically not up to the rigorous demands of the Academy.
Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles!(the book adds, inter alia, Bad men... Beasts of all natures and descriptions... Death...Passion.)
As Billy Crystal noted in The Princess Bride (1987), "There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead."
"Striker plates are used to get Phosphoric Acid."
"You can use alcohol or HEET - they're different, but they do the same thing - it turns cold pills into a liquid... I don't know if it's a chemical reaction or if it goes into solution- I'm not a chemist."
"I don't know why Sodium Hydroxide is used, I just know its used in meth manufacturing." "No, we didn't find any Sodium Hydroxide."
"I assume they had either made methamphetamine in the past or were going to make it sometime in the future."
"If you have Iodine, Red Phosphorus and Pseudoephedrine, you have a meth lab."
"We found red powder that we believed to be Red Phosphorus - No, we didn't ask the lab to test for Red Phosphorus""
"I know you can make Iodine out of Hydrogen Peroxide but I don't know how - I'm not a chemist."
No, we didn't find any Iodine, Pseudoephedrine or Hydrogen Peroxide."
"Man, my co-defendant on this case is getting the exact same deal! And he's got a Public Defender! I've got a paid attorney, so I should get a better deal! You need to get me a better deal!"Jack