Wednesday, December 27, 2006

PD Blog Awards - And Where the Name Came From

Public Defender Stuff is hosting and inaugurating the 2006 PD Blog Awards
(they need a name for the awards, too)

We got nominated for "Best Title of a Blog That Reflects Something About The Job"
AND have a couple of votes, no less.


A couple of years before we started the blog, another PD wanted to know what the office's gang name would be - here are some of the (non-identifying) also rans, running the range from pretentious to profane (and from not bad to pretty crappy)

The Continuous Objectors (maybe if we had a band…)
Overrule this, Biyatch! (Gang Motto)
The Handbiters
The Imprecators
The White Hats
The G stickers
One Candle
The Guardians of Gideon
The Black Sheep (yeah I know its already taken)
Clarence Darrow’s Bastard Sons (another band name)
Churchill’s Successors
The Pauper’s Paupers
The Mouthpieces
The Dark Cursers
The SuperEgos

(my favorite is Clarence Darrow's Bastard Sons)


Blogger Jen said...

Man, gang names are much cooler.

One PD that I work with named some of the teams (3 attorneys per judge) and they were names like "The 3 Bears" and "Wilson Phillips."

12/28/2006 8:25 PM  
Blogger Gideon's Guardians said...

Jack had the best ideas for the name although we had to object and overrule. :)

1/16/2007 11:41 AM  

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