Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I've lost a home town

I'm sitting here today listening to a little Harry Connick jr. and staring at my mask from my last mardi gras and just sadden by everything. I have family in the area that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Everyone is fine and well but most have lost everything. I was relieved to see on Dateline a friend in the background we hadn't heard from, so at least we know she is safe. I met her five years ago when we started going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. She was a college roommate of my best friend from law school. It was supposed to be a trip to celebrate passing the bar but has turned into a girls trip every other year. My best friend and I go everytime and we switch out who goes with us. This last year we took two friends that had never been and they are so glad that they went now. The wonderful thing about Mardi Gras is the music, food, and costumes/parades.. Okay a little alcohol is consumed at the local watering holes but its more than that. New Orleans never lets you down. The beignets at cafe du monde are always there for you in the morning after a late night just as the great Dixie jazz can be heard in the background as you walk the streets taking in the sights. I pray that New Orleans will rise above the waters and regain her strength. If any lady can do it, she can.


Blogger Nimiwey said...

Do you think they should rebuild New Orleans, and if they do, protect it from similar disasters? What about the many peopl that lived in squalor, will we rebuild homes like that for them?

9/15/2005 1:28 AM  
Blogger Gideon's Guardians said...

I do think that New Orleans should be rebuilt. It is one of the major hubs of commerce and international trade. Hopefully the federal legislature will pay attention to the levees and actually grant the money to rebuild them to 21st century standards. The Federal government has been cutting the funding for years stating the levees were adequate. Furthermore, the houses that are being rebuilt will be home owners insurance. And the people living in "squalor" live in the projects which are apartment buildings which the owners will either rebuild or they won't so we won't be building anything.

9/15/2005 4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you talk LOUISIANA, talk major CORRUPTION.
Only in those set of EYES do you get CHESSLARESS-
And when you get all that black marketing and NRA - WASHINGTON, that's when you get TEXAS ' poetry:
Just ask " Pittmann".
Or Mel Martinez.
Known as " MELODY MAE".
It's all about gun- running- UN with CHENEY- COULTER- NORTH- MEESE.
And it goes to NICE, FRANCE.

8/16/2012 5:00 PM  

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